Confessions of a bootcamp virgin

Josa Keyes
9 min readAug 10, 2020

Going crazy in the confines of my ‘hood, I’d been home alone pretty much since 11 March 2020. I had to break out, do something different and kick myself in the pants.

I’m lucky to be able to work to full capacity remotely — sitting on my butt in front of a desktop. Single, and a writer, I’m used to solitude. I’m also NOT simultaneously going through solo parenting of a challenging teen, a tricky divorce, and breast cancer treatment, just now — that’s all in the past. The counting of my blessings about my particular experience of lockdown was no longer working as a boost…



Josa Keyes

Novelist, poet, travel writer and UX copy writer. @Cambridge_uni Creative writing Master’s 2019 @Bruneluni Distinction + Faculty Outstanding Dissertation Prize.